Saturday, July 28, 2012

Intentional or not, Collapse is the deconstruction of TWAWKI

“The point that doesn’t get considered, however, is not that humans are an accessory (consumers), but that they have the POTENTIAL to be useful to the life process and also to work to stabilize some of the natural fluctuations over time (We have shown that we can change the climate, so we can also help stabilize it if we choose to. We can also establish permaculture ecosystems and maintain them (versus agricultural extraction), protect against asteroid impacts, and moderate wildlife through hunting and replenishment work.)
Most of the physical activity of humans at this point is wasted on ‘economic’ models that religiously promote perpetual growth and overconsumption. (We have replaced our own usefulness to the food system with oil/chemicals.)
Is this likely to change? Yes. It doesn’t look like it’s going to be intentional, however.
We are at a point in the development of organic life where the experiment testing the validity of intentions/imagination/belief has reached a climax. We either will change our behavior, proving Intentionality to be useful to future species (whether or not they include man), or the experiment will fail in the depopulation of humans and possibly start over again under less convenient circumstances.
In the meantime, all of the questions about population, economics, nationalism and history will be compared in due natural process to the question of whether humans can be useful to their own future (creating/enhancing resources) or be nothing but unintentional yeast: totally dependent on random circumstances and unable to act deliberately on those circumstances in their own better interest. “

Friday, July 27, 2012

Initial place holder. Welcome to the Ultimate Question discussion.
Technically, I think maybe we will end up saying it is the Ultimate Answer discussion, as I think the Question is fairly well defined. The Answer will be determined over time, whether we like the answer or not, by fate. What is left to discuss, then?
Facts, beliefs, intentions, process.

Confused yet?
Here's the Question:
"What are people FOR?"
You are welcome to bring up sub-questions of that, and define the various aspects along the way. For example, to ask the question, we have to define what people ARE, how they came to be that way, and where their various activities have gone and seem to be going.
We then might get into what we mean by "FOR" in terms of where people fit in the broader universe (yes, there's only ONE: that's why it's called that, and anything real that is thought to be 'super' natural would have to be considered part of this universe...therefore being 'natural' and included in the term "universe").
For further discussion of the 'for' issue, we can forage around in the natural sciences and find analogies and comparisons.
I recommend anyone interested should begin with Schroedinger's "What is Life?" a.k.a. 'Life as anti-entropy'.

Philosophically, we could define "humans" as those with a philosophy/imagination/intentions, or even somewhat further into details and distinctions.

to keep the discussion interesting and intelligent, rhetorical answers and canned responses without supporting logic will simply be deleted if I feel like it.
